Volunteers are needed to serve on the below listed dates/times at
Bethany Baptist Church
275 W. Market Street Newark, NJ
Wed. 11/4/09 7am- 8pm
Thurs. 11/5/09 7am-8pm
Fri. 11/06/09 7am-8pm
Sat. 11/7/09 7am- 8pm
1. Request an application by e-mailing contact@blessedministriesinc.org Complete the application and fax it back to us at (877) 516-2536 or scan and email it to contact@blessedministriesinc.org.
Note: Make sure that state that you are with "BLESSED Ministries, Inc." on the application. You will get a T-shirt in your size for the day(s) you are volunteering.
2. Attend our informative Conference Call:
Tuesday, October 27th @ 9PM. Call 616-597-8000 (pin: 208549)
3. Attend one of the two mandatory training sessions:
Oct. 29th 6PM-8PM
Nov. 2nd 6PM-8PM
(See details in application)